Fortunately, many shoulder problems can be treated without surgery. Often physical therapy is necessary to focus on restoring muscle balance and posture. These rehabilitation exercises are best done in a guided fashion, with professional therapists focusing on specific exercises and muscle groups to speed recovery. However, attending physical therapy can be time consuming and expensive. Also, many patients feel uncomfortable attending a physical therapy location during the coronavirus outbreak.
In an attempt improve post-operative recovery, Dr. Gregory has developed world-class non-operative rehab programs with myHealthTrack to coach patients through their optimized recovery journey.
myHealthTrack is a mobile app in which Dr. Gregory’s specific therapy guidelines are combined with videos, daily reminders, and detailed instructions from sports psychologists and trainers to develop a mental and physical framework that guides, motivates and tracks patients back to their active lifestyles.
Currently, non-operative protocols for rotator cuff problems, labral tears, biceps tendonitis, frozen shoulder, AC joint sprain, and shoulder arthritis are currently active. To explore, please download the myHealthTrack mobile app from the application store, create a profile, and use Dr. Gregory’s unique code prov_53805. A one-time fee is charged for access to the program. This fee is substantially less than in-person physical therapy copays, and the rehab program can be done at home, at your convenience.
Focusing on rehabilitation can head off many problems before they become severe. If you’d like to discuss non-operative treatment of your shoulder issue, please contact Dr. Gregory’s office.